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Math Tutor - All Levels

Private Tutoring


Brooklyn, NY

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 14010


  • Private Tutoring


Searching for an experienced mathematics tutor for a reasonable price? Well, look no further!

• Calculus
• Algebra
• Geometry
• Pre-Calculus
• Trigonometry
• Statistics
• SAT Math
• GRE Math
• Regents
• Differential Equations
• Logic
• Linear Algebra
• Graph Theory
• Game Theory
• Data Analysis

• B.S. Mathematics
• 2 years of high school classroom teaching
• 3 years of tutoring experience in mathematics and the sciences
• Advanced knowledge in an array of disciplines with coursework and research spanning the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cognitive psychology
• Perfect 5/5 on AP Calculus AB and BC demonstrate my sound understanding of univariate calculus before even beginning college
• Scored within the top 5% nationally on SAT Math
• Perfect 800/800 on GRE Math (entrance exam to graduate school)

1. Thoroughly assess the student's past work (homework, quizzes, tests) in order to understand where improvements need to be made
2. Ensure that the student has obtained a competence of the topic's fundamentals
3. Design student-specific examples to help aid in the learning process
4. Provide feedback to encourage the student in his/her continued development
5. Offer supplementary lessons/explanations to help the student think in a different way about the material
6. Encourage the student to think both critically and creatively when solving problems; ultimately, knowing how to solve a select few problems will only get you so far
7. Link the subject to real-world situations in an attempt to remove abstraction and provide meaning to a generally bland domain.

$40/hr, but negotiable for extended sessions

"For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics." - Roger Bacon


Brooklyn, NY


  • Photo #1: Math Tutor - All Levels