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Mid Ohio mobile auto repair

Auto Repair Services


Cleveland, OH Chardon, OH

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 53885


  • Auto Repair Services


This service is designed to help people in the community with all of their automotive repair needs. I will come to your home or roadside and fix your vehicle on-site. I have over 18 years experience and I am a master mechanic. I work on all makes and models of cars and trucks and rvs. Tune ups, diagnostics, brakes, ball joints, water pumps, fuel pumps, engine repair, gaskets, shocks, struts, electrical, transmission r and r, and so much more. I am well equipped with mobile shop and I am on time.

Save money and frustration call Ray now!


Cleveland, OH Chardon, OH


  • Photo #1: Mid Ohio mobile auto repair