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Where do you need the service?

Mobil Mechanical in you garage, back yard

Auto Repair Services


Reno, NV

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 70811


  • Auto Repair Services


I am repair cars, truck, suv, Honda, Isuzu, Acura, Gmc, Chevrolet, Ford, Dodge, Mercedez, Audi, Cadillac, Mazda, Subaru, Nissan, Oldmobile, Chrysler, VW, Pontiac, etc

You pay for job, not for time "hours", in you house, back yard, garage, or if the job is big in my place, You can save 50-70% cheap, and i will tell you exactly what we need and you will like how I explaint the problem and how fixed.

Need help with you car? I have more the 15 years experience repair cars and truck.

Head gasket, Rod bearing, Piston rings, Water pump, Starter, Alternator, Time belt, timing chain, Thermostate
Radiator, Heater core, Mount support, Piston/Rod, Change engine/rebuild engine.

Shock/Strut, Tie rod, Ball joint lower Ball join upper, Control arm, Coil spring, Rack & pinion, Idle arm, "u" joint,
Pitman arm, Wheel bearing.

Rotor, Brake pads, Brake rotor, Brake caliper, Fluid liquid brake clean, master cylinder.

Replace automatic transmission/standard, Clutch, Axle, cv joint, axle, master or slave cylinder, 4x4 "transforcase", differential, etc

Door, Windows, Light's, Wiper, Brake light, Blower, Battery, know sensor, cps, ckps, Alternator, fuel pump,

Complete or partial Tune up for Engine/transmission = "oil, oil filter", air filter, spark plug, spark plug wire, distributor cap, rotor, fuel filter, pcv valve, and Transmission "oil and oil filter".

You car not pass smog i will put the scanner pull the code, fixed erase code drive and test and when is ready go to smog test and will pass, O2 sensor, catalitic converter, missfire, vacuum leak.



Reno, NV


  • Photo #1: Mobil Mechanical in you garage, back yard
  • Photo #2: Mobil Mechanical in you garage, back yard
  • Photo #3: Mobil Mechanical in you garage, back yard
  • Photo #4: Mobil Mechanical in you garage, back yard
  • Photo #5: Mobil Mechanical in you garage, back yard