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Mobile Lawn Mower & Small Engine Repair

Lawn Equipment Repair


Minneapolis, MN Watertown, MN

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 50015


  • Lawn Equipment Repair


Fast turnaround on all your repair needs. I service most makes and models of Mowers, Tractors, Roto-Tillers, Weed Whips, Snow Blowers, etc... I offer quality service at low prices. Why pay for the overhead of the big shops when you can get better, more personalized service from me. I stand behind the work I do.

I also offer Mobile Service within a 1 hour radius of Watertown, MN. Mobile services include Tune-Ups, Carb Cleaning, and other minor repairs. (Must have a garage or enclosed area to work in depending on the season/weather.)
Small Engine Repair Rates:

In Shop Labor Rate. . .. . .. . .. $40.00 hr.
Mobile Service Call. . .. . .. . . $50.00
Mobile Labor Rate. . .. . .. . .. $50.00 hr.
Standard Tune-Up. . .. . .. . .. $70.00 (Plus Parts)
Standard Tune-Up (w/Carb Cleaning). . .. . .. . .. $90.00 (Plus Parts)
Carburetor Rebuild. . .. . .. . . $30.00 (Plus Parts)
Mower Blade Sharpening. . .. . .. . .. $10 Per Blade

Standard Tune-Ups Include: Spark Plug, Top Off/Change Fluids as needed, Lube Chasis, Lube and Adjust Cables, Inspect Machine. Parts are not included in price.

Note: There is a $70.00 minimum for In Shop Service and $100.00 minimum for Mobile Service.


Minneapolis, MN Watertown, MN


  • Photo #1: Mobile Lawn Mower & Small Engine Repair
  • Photo #2: Mobile Lawn Mower & Small Engine Repair
  • Photo #3: Mobile Lawn Mower & Small Engine Repair
  • Photo #4: Mobile Lawn Mower & Small Engine Repair