We will ask you a few questions to match you with the best local pros

Where do you need the service?

Fast and friendly Jim's Plumbing



Cleveland, OH Grafton, OH Medina, OH Strongsville, OH

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 54212


  • Plumber


Sinks, faucets, tubs & toilets:
Leaks repaired & drips fixed

Water heaters:
-Installed new (gas, electric, on-demand, etc)

Pipe repairs:
- Drain lines & water lines repaired, replaced and installed new

Sewer lines cleared
Gas leaks repaired, gas lines installed
Showers repaired / installed new
Dishwashers & garbage disposals

Experienced and Reliable plumber.
Fast and friendly service.
Cash, checks & credit cards accepted
Lake, Geauga & Eastern Cuyahoga county

Jim's Plumbing


Cleveland, OH Grafton, OH Medina, OH Strongsville, OH


  • Photo #1: Fast and friendly Jim's Plumbing