We will ask you a few questions to match you with the best local pros

Where do you need the service?

Pre-purchase Vehicle Inspection (+ negotiation)

Auto Repair Services


Cincinnati, OH

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 63196


  • Auto Repair Services


Make sure you're getting a safe and reliable used car BEFORE you buy it.
Used cars are typically sold "as is" and a $149 independent inspection will potentially save you thousands of dollars in unanticipated repairs.

Our 52 point pre-purchase vehicle inspection will include a professional opinion regarding:

- Accident History Detection
- Potential Mechanical Defects
- Hidden Inferiorities
- Price Evaluation & Negotiation (if desired)

All Greater Cincinnati & Dayton, Ohio Areas
Northern Kentucky
South Eastern Indiana

** Inspections available same or next day at the vehicle's location**
Service Call = $149 (Cash, Check, or Paypal)
Vehicle Inspections of Cincinnati & Dayton (a subsidiary of Quick Cash For Cars, LLC)

Top Vehicles recommended for reliability:
Toyota Camry | Corolla Honda Civic | Accord | Nissan Maxima | Sentra | Altima | Subaru Impreza | Legacy | Mazda Mitsubishi, and most other Japanese vehicles. Most German cars are notoriously reliable as well.


Cincinnati, OH


  • Photo #1: Pre-purchase Vehicle Inspection (+ negotiation)