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Professional Guitar Lessons with TONY SPADA

Music Lessons


Hartford, CT

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 40035


  • Music Lessons


Surveillance Records international recording/touring artist Tony Spada
Ernie Ball Strings endorsed, Hartford Symphony soloist,
Now accepting students in all styles of guitar from Classical to Metal.
Advanced picking techniques,sightreading,theory and guitar repairs.

Friendly service, nice studio, Beginners Welcome in the Hartford area.
Call today for list of open times available. Serious inquiries Please :)
Very Affordable Rates compared to Most Music Stores. Guaranteed Results

‚€Tony is an all around professional. Whether it is performing, writing, or teaching, he goes above and beyond expectations and consistently delivers!


Hartford, CT


  • Photo #1: Professional Guitar Lessons with TONY SPADA