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Professional Paint Jobs and Spray on Bedliner $250 and up

Auto Repair Services


Pittsburgh, PA

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 58345


  • Auto Repair Services


Professional Grade paint jobs. Several stock Colors to choose from,(last pic) for a great price, or i can get any color you want. No short cuts taken. I use all the best materials used in professional body shops nationwide, for a third of the price. The stock colors are a single stage urethane. (The jeep was just completed with the Allison Chambers Orange and Gloss Black on the hard top)

I also can paint anything in a base coat clear coat. Then your vehicle can be sanded to 3000 grit for a show room shine. The result is a shinny new paint job that looks great! Don't bother with Earl Shibe, or one of those low grade in n out jobs. My vehicles usually take a week to complete. Bedliner only takes one day.

Give Tom a call for a quote. The white car was painted brite white base coat, with glamour high solids clear coat.
I can also get almost any color House of Kolor makes at a discount.

Colors Include: Gloss Black, Flat Black, Gloss White, Fleet white, Pure White, Viper Red, Candy Apple Red, Int. Harvester Red, New Cat Yellow, School Bus Yellow, John Deere Yellow, John Deere Green. I can also have paint mixed to match any factory color, but it is 2 to 3 times more $ than these stock colors.

Paint jobs starting at $600(depending on how many dents, and how much rust)
Motorcycle Paint Jobs. $250 and up.
Spray on Bedliner. $250 and up.
Quad or ATV bedliner spray jobs. $200 ad up.


Pittsburgh, PA


  • Photo #1: Professional Paint Jobs and Spray on Bedliner $250 and up
  • Photo #2: Professional Paint Jobs and Spray on Bedliner $250 and up
  • Photo #3: Professional Paint Jobs and Spray on Bedliner $250 and up
  • Photo #4: Professional Paint Jobs and Spray on Bedliner $250 and up