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Rototilling and Yard Grading/Leveling

Lawn Care


Los Angeles, CA

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 12600


  • Lawn Care


Rototilling service is offered using a hydraulically-driven mini skidsteer rototiller attachment, it rototills to between 4-6" deep and is able to rototill some of the more compacted soils(however even this has its limitations if for example soil is hard dry clay but even hard soils can usually be softened up for rototilling or grading). This service is available to both homeowners and contractors.

Back and Front Yard Grading/Leveling
Our Mini skidsteer is small enough to maneuver through relatively tight spaces and needs a minimum of 39" to get through into residential backyards. When equipped with its bucket it can push and or move about as much dirt as 4-5 men could in same amount of time. If you have a back or front yard that needs some grading/leveling give us a call. Keep in mind this grading service is not meant as a building pad grading service or anything that requires absolute precision or for an area that is considerably bigger than an averaged sized front and or back yard. This service is available to both homeowners and contractors.


Los Angeles, CA


  • Photo #1: Rototilling and Yard Grading/Leveling