We will ask you a few questions to match you with the best local pros

Where do you need the service?

Landscape services, Sprinklers sistem, Lawn Aeration (Special price)



San Diego, CA

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 100038


  • Landscaping


If you are looking for a professional landscaper, feel free to contact me. 19 years of experience; I can provide you with recommendation from current customers. I also have years of experience as being a handy man, and fix just about anything.

These are the services we provide to our customers:

Lawn Care & Maintenance

* Commercial/Residential

* Lawn & Plant Care

* Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or 1-time Service

* Mowing

* Edging

* Pruning

* Fertilizing

* Hedging

* Roto-tilling

* Lawn Aerating

* Sod & Seed Install

* Weed Control

* sprinkler system install/repair

*Retaining walls


CALL anytime, Thank you.


San Diego, CA


  • Photo #1: Landscape services, Sprinklers sistem, Lawn Aeration (Special price)
  • Photo #2: Landscape services, Sprinklers sistem, Lawn Aeration (Special price)
  • Photo #3: Landscape services, Sprinklers sistem, Lawn Aeration (Special price)
  • Photo #4: Landscape services, Sprinklers sistem, Lawn Aeration (Special price)
  • Photo #5: Landscape services, Sprinklers sistem, Lawn Aeration (Special price)
  • Photo #6: Landscape services, Sprinklers sistem, Lawn Aeration (Special price)