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FastGood4Cheap Moving Services
from this and similar pros
Phone number:
646-542-1676 PIN: 112563
You do the packing, we do the loading, hauling and unloading into the appropriate rooms.... YOU SAVE MONEY! Listed below are our cheap flat rates! NO TIME TRACKING! Get the exact cost of your move! Also listed are discounted dates that even save you more!
Member of America's Choice Business Group - 4 complaints in 12 years of service!
Better Business Bureau: A+ rating (only 1 bbb complaint!) (
Google " Best Movers Columbus Ohio Yelp updated Dec 2018" We are ranked #2 out of 40+ companies.
Flat rates and fees listed below include the truck, fuel, movers, dolly, padding to use while loading, taxes and released value protection insurance.
16 ft box truck: $220 or $187 on discounted dates listed below (1 bedroom to regular 2 bedroom)
20 ft box truck: $300 or $255 on discounted dates listed below(large 2 bedroom to small 3 bedroom)
26 ft box truck: $400 or $340 on discounted dates listed below (regular 3/4 bedroom)
Mileage: $1.89 per mile between your two addresses.
Longer than average loading/unloading distances (walking distance from the front door of your home or apartment to the the truck) or obstacles (stairs/elevators) that will slow the move, will have a reasonable fee submitted with your quote. YOUR QUOTE WILL BE THE EXACT COST OF YOUR MOVE.
Discounted Dates:
Reference coupon code: #CDF1214
DECEMBER 16TH, 17TH, 18TH, 20TH, 21ST, 23RD, 26TH, 27TH, 28TH, 30TH
January 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th
***For other dates, please refer to our regular rates.
HAVE UNWANTED ITEMS? Give your unwanted items to the Thrift Store in our business group either by dropping off at the store or by having our movers pick them up the day of your move and get up to 15% off the base flat rate of your move!
FULL SERVICE STORAGE available at self service pricing. We pick your storage up, store it in our warehouse and return when needed!