We will ask you a few questions to match you with the best local pros
Where do you need the service?
Phone number:
646-542-1676 PIN: 117826
Have that trash or yard waste removed
I do trash and yard waste removal.
The following fees apply to having trash or yard waste loaded up and hauled away.
Loading labor -- $75 for the first hour and $25 for each additional hour
Hauling - $35 per load*
Dumping fee --
-Trash - $50 per 1000 lbs**
-Yard waste - $45 per load
Example -- Removing approximately 1000 lbs of trash from the garage and basement that takes 1 hour to load. Labor $75, hauling $35, dumping fee $50 for a Total of $160.
*The trailer is 6.5'x12' trailer with 4' sides. A load is any amount that fills the trailer or totals 2500 lbs.
**Minimum $50 dumping fee. There is NO additional charge for large appliances, ie. refrigerators, washers, dryers etc.
I work evenings and weekends and if I say I am going to be there you can count on the fact that I will be there. I will do my best to work fast and do it right the first time. My goal is to leave you satisfied with my work. I am not happy until you are.
Cash or Check
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