We will ask you a few questions to match you with the best local pros

Where do you need the service?

Preferred Flooring Installations, LLC

Flooring Contractors


Fort Myers, FL

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 143693


  • Flooring Contractors


I know more about what can go wrong and proper floor prep than any salesperson or flooring store in business, that is the difference in quality.

Call me and I will tell you the best option for your home, business or RV.

I can take you to wholesalers who have a huge variety in stock and start installing it the next day. I have 15 years experience and can give you reputable stores names for a reference if you so desire. If you just need perspective or guidance on a product, I would be glad to help you.

Don't trust your investment to non local fly by nights. I am local and will be here forever if you have a warranty
or installation issue for the life of your flooring. If you just want free advice call anytime... I always answer.

Call today for a free estimate.

Dave @


Fort Myers, FL