We will ask you a few questions to match you with the best local pros

Where do you need the service?

Prax Truck & Auto Repair

Auto Repair Services


San Juan, TX

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 147809


  • Auto Repair Services


Want quality work without DEALER $$prices..look no further..NOW ACCEPTING CARD PAYMENTS!!

"Now Providing Mobile Services" (Rates will be competitive, but fair)

*The following applies ONLY for Mobile onsite repairs:

-Estimates can not be given over phone for repairs that involve diagnostics ..(Need to check vehicle in person).

-Please contact to schedule a service or repair. The following will be required: Location of vehicle, Year, Make, Model, and Engine, or just VIN#.

✔️Brakes and Rotors
✔️Engine oil changes w/ Health check
✔️Check engine diagnostics
✔️Lights not working
✔️Any general repairs that are needed
✔️No start conditions
✔️Any general repairs that are needed
✔️Fuel issues
✔️Rough Idle


San Juan, TX