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The Best Brakes & Auto Repair

Auto Repair Services


Reno, NV

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 150883


  • Auto Repair Services


Brake pads, rotors, master cylinders, calipers, drums, shoes, shocks, struts, spark plugs, tune-ups, battery replacement, check engine light, diagnosis, airbag light, no starts, water pumps, fuel pumps, tie-rods, cv axles, u-joints, hub assemblys, exhaust, a/c, heating, bearings, bushings, rack & pinions, window regulators, & horns to name a few. All makes/models. No hourly rates, only flat rates per job. Testimonials from recent clients. I'm an affordable local mechanic with integrity & over a decade of experience. Wait comfortably at home & save money, it's a win-win!


Reno, NV