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Babysitter (west seattle)



Seattle, WA

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 38995


  • Babysitting


My name is Carrie Striedinger, I am 27, I have two children still very young one is 4 and one is 7. I will need to bring my daughter with me to babysit your children unless its after 6 pm. I am one of six in my family I started taking care of babies at a really young age and I developed a passion for it.

At this time in my life I do not wish to make a career out of child care but I would like to have an income while being a stay at home mother so if you're in need of a babysitter daytime or evening please feel free to cocontact me.


Seattle, WA


  • Photo #1: Babysitter (west seattle)