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Joe Mobile Mechanic

Auto Repair Services
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Las Vegas, NV

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 89597


  • Auto Repair Services


I make house calls for most automotive repairs. transmission rebuild, Brakes, Suspension, Timing-Belts, Air-Conditioning, Alternators, Starters, Water-Pumps, Radiators, Engine work etc. As it is side work for me I charge very reasonably. I give a fixed price for routine work when possible. For example: $50 plus parts per axle for brakes, $ 75 plus parts for an Alternator. For larger jobs where labor is hard to calculate I charge $75 per hour.I prefer to use quality parts with a warranty but I can work with you on Junkyard parts if money is tight.I have 10+ years as a mechanic with a focus on older European cars. Please call or text with a complete description of your vehicle (year,make, model) and the issues. Call Jo


Las Vegas, NV


  • Photo #1: Joe Mobile Mechanic