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Wedding Dance Lessons for People with 2 Left Feet
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Phone number:
646-542-1676 PIN: 93630
Dancing Lessons
A Wedding Dance is not always the traditional Waltz anymore. Couples are dancing their first dance to a Tango, a Hustle, a Swing, Salsa, or a combination of several dance styles mixed together! Anything goes. Bring us the music and we will create the look you want...from formal to fun. We customize each class to fit your needs.
Our classes are very easy going, but we work hard on learning dance patterns, proper dance technique and styling. We have a lot of fun, laugh a lot and learn at the same time. We work on the leader and follower parts to create a connection between the two of you creating a harmony of two people dancing as one. We teach you how to walk onto the dance floor and off the floor with style and always a fun "dip" at the end.
We are unlike the larger dance schools. We teach out of our private home/studio in a quiet neighborhood in the Excelsior District of SF. We offer a totally private dance space reserved for just you. No one else shares the dance floor with you and you don't need to compete with other people to practice to your music. You can park in the driveway with the red garage door, so no parking hassles.
Our Wedding Package is four private hours for $180. Same price for one or two people. Most people come once a week for one hour. But you may chose to come twice a week or skip a week. All of this is not a problem. One of our most commonly asked questions is "How long will it take?" That will depend upon you and your partner, your dance skills, how much you practice, and the music you pick.
But our experience is that four 1 hour sessions (total 4 hours) is the minimum you'll need. The average wedding couple needs about 8 hours to learn a routine. But it all depends on you.
Dance is a life long healthy hobby that never gets old or boring. You might take more lessons after the wedding in a different dance for fun.