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Where do you need the service?

**Ghost Rock Ranch Boarding Stables - 3 Stalls Open 5.1

Horse Boarding


Bend, OR

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 94167


  • Horse Boarding


Beautiful Boarding Facility-10 12X12 stalls w 12X16 Paddocks - INDOOR ARENA
Discount pricing for multiple horses.

Miles of BLM Trails or stay on the property -
Cross-country course in the making 2018

Contact us for a visit and more information
Judy Ranch Manager

40 Acres off Ten Bar Ranch Road, on Bear Creek Rd. Conveniently located 6 miles East of Costco.
Indoor Arena 80X160, great footing - Outdoor Arena 80X145 - 50' Round Pen.

24 hour on premises security
Secure Heated Boarder Tack Room and Lounge - H and C Wash Rack..
Basic Board $425 - Premium Package $475-500, for additional Special Care.
References required - Please contact us for more info and reservations.


Bend, OR


  • Photo #1: **Ghost Rock Ranch Boarding Stables - 3 Stalls Open 5.1
  • Photo #2: **Ghost Rock Ranch Boarding Stables - 3 Stalls Open 5.1