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Painting Contractors
Over 10 Years of Professional Painting and Carpentry Experience. Exterior and Interior. From Victorian, Edwardian and Craftsmen buildings, to Modern and Stucco buildings - We do it all!
Services Provided Commercial and Residential Work. Painting and Staining, Faux Finishes, Specialty Painting, Wallpaper Removal, Brush, Roll, and Spray Applications Pressure Washing Decks and Wood Preservation, Drywall Patching, Finishing, and Installation. Plaster Repairs, Stucco Repairs, Wood Repairs
Top Quality Craftsmanship, Attention to Detail, Full Preparation, Most of our work is done by brush and roller only We use only top of the line materials, Extensive knowledge of current primer-coating, paints, and sealants Excellent enamel finish work, Fantastic Quality and Great Customer is our promise to you!
Exterior Services.
Services Provided, Commercial and Residential Work, Painting and Staining, Specialty Painting Wallpaper Removal, Brush, Roll, and Spray Applications, Pressure Washing Decks and Wood Preservation Drywall Patching, Finishing, and Installation, Plaster Repairs, Stucco Repairs, Wood Repairs.