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Auto Repair Services
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Lafayette, LA

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 98790


  • Auto Repair Services


Are you looking to find someone who can repair your car right without taking advantage of what you know or don't know?

Are you tired of getting ripped off by the high prices that some mechanic's charge?

Or waiting forever to get your car back from them?

If so please call me, over the years I've acquired the tools to do almost anything and have the knowledge do it right. To date I've never been able to find and fix the problem
Have a car hauler and can transport your car back to my shop for 80.00
Charge 60.00 for call out and all prices are dicussed up front before repairing your car or truck.

All work is guaranteed and will be done to your approval. Also do AC work. please feel free to give me a call and let's see if I can help. I have many references if needed. You can also find me on Facebook "Mullins auto repair"

call James


Lafayette, LA


  • Photo #1: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #2: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #3: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #4: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #5: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #6: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #7: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #8: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #9: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #10: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #11: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #12: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #13: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #14: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #15: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #16: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #17: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?
  • Photo #18: How can I help with repairing your vehicle?