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Mr. Aerion "Cigar" Stephenson. Service dog training plus much more!
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Phone number:
646-542-1676 PIN: 26683
Dog Training
In Dogs We Trust, Inc 538 Georgia 212 Covington, GA
Our team is led by Mr. Aerion "Cigar" Stephenson, a talented and gifted trainer
since 1972, and founder of "In Dogs We Trust, Inc." Cigar's expertise includes
more than just a few aspects of training. He has an incredible working
knowledge of many breeds, with an astounding understanding of their origin,
purpose, and differences.
Cigar understands that a good trainer takes as much time with each dog as is
necessary, because no two dogs learn at the same rate. We, at I.D.W.T,
understand what a trainer's real purpose is. The ideal trainer is one who is
experienced at teaching you to train your own dog. Most importantly, our goal is
to service the needs and requests of every client. We are confident that when
you use our services no problem will go unsolved. So come share our vision and
allow "In Dogs We Trust, Inc." to help you reach your goal of gaining and
maintaining a totally controlled pet.
If you love your dog, you must ask yourself... Is my Dog living up to his or hers
fullest potential?