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Trumpet Lessons with school band director

Music Lessons


Raleigh, NC Cary, NC

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 47499


  • Music Lessons


My name is Justin Dickson, and I am the band director at G. C. Hawley Middle School in Creedmoor, however I live in Cary. I have some spots available for private trumpet lessons on Monday nights between 6:00-8:00 at my house.

I have a degree in music education from UNC-Greensboro, where I studied with Dr. Ed Bach for 6 years. I have been playing the trumpet for over 20 years, and am currently in my 8th year of teaching middle school and high school bands. Being a band director myself, I know what your child needs from private lessons in order to be more successful in their own band program.

My location is almost next door to East Cary Middle School.
$20 / 30 minutes. I can do cash, check, or Paypal. Your first lesson is FREE, so you can come for a free sample before deciding to commit. Please call me! I look forward to meeting you!


Raleigh, NC Cary, NC


  • Photo #1: Trumpet Lessons with school band director