last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(515) 329-0294
Excel Lawns and Landscape is a fully licensed and insured lawn care and landscape business. There is no job too big or too small for our experienced and professional staff. Unlike the bigger companies, Excel has a carefully selected team of skilled individuals that will work hard to save you money and exceed expectations. We love talking lawn care and landscape so give us a call today and see what we can do for you.
Lawn Services include but not limited to:
*Mowing 1 time or scheduled *Core Aeration (spring and/or fall) *De-Thatching/Power-raking *Seeding/Sod *Concrete Edging *Yard Cleanups *Tree and Bush Maintenance *Perimeter Pest Control *Bed Pre-Emergent Control *Mole and Pest Control *Variety of Chemical Applications
Landscaping Services include but not limited to:
*Pavers/Edging *Rock/Mulch Install *Retaining Walls *Plant and Bush Install *Patios *Underground Gutter Sprouts *Pond Installation *Landscape Repair/Renovation
Call Mike for a free estimate.
Mike DeWiese
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