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12 best dog breeds for first time owners


Have you always dreamed of having a dog as a pet, but worried about being unable to cope with a stubborn character or manage training? Adopting a puppy is a commitment that will last his entire lifetime, thus, you should definitely make sure that you’re ready for it and that you choose the right timing. However, to make the situation a bit easier for you, you may choose a breed that’s more relaxed and won’t drive an inexperienced owner into a corner. I’m not trying to say that some breeds are better than the others or that some dogs require less attention than other puppies. But, in terms of personality, caring requirements and disposition to training, there’re breeds people, who have never owned a dog or who’ve never been fully responsible for a wellbeing of a canine companion, may prefer. Thus, I would like to present 12 best dogs for first-time owners, and you should absolutely get one of them!

1. Golden Retriever/Labrador

Golden Retrievers won the hearts of many dog owners not just because they are adorable, intelligent family-friendly dogs. These pets are relatively easy to house train, they learn the tricks quite quickly, they rarely have obedience issues, they’re always playful and nice to the kids. Labradors and Golden Retrievers are rated as best dogs for first-time owners not just due to the features mentioned above, but also because they are good-natured average mid-to-large low maintenance dogs that are quite sensitive, friendly toward strangers and easy to groom.

As a puppy, Golden Retriever may be a bit of a chewer, but plenty of toys, exercise time and puppy proofing a house allow the owners avoid ruined shoes and furniture. Male dogs weigh from 65 to 75 pounds, females – from 55 to 65. The average life span of Golden Retrievers is 10-12 years, so it can be a dog your kids will grow up with.


2. Beagle

A fairly small dog that may be accommodated in a house or in an apartment. Beagles have delightful, curious personalities and they’re incredible dogs for first-time owners due to the size, gentle temper and not too many breed-related health issues. Beagles weigh 20-25 pounds and live for 13-16 years on average.


3. Papillon

It’s one of the cutest small dogs ever. Despite the common misconception, Papillons are quite intelligent pets, therefore, they’re easy to train and maintain. These miniature dogs are rather playful, social, affectionate and get along with other animals just great. People who travel a lot or can’t devote 4 hours a day to walking a dog would find Pappilons the most fitting, as they may be easily potty-trained to use a toilet inside a condo or a house. And, you just need a small carrier to be able to transport a Papillon. This dog will make an awesome pet for your child as well. A male Papillon weights from 8 to 10 pounds, a female one – from 7 to 9. Their average lifespan is from 12 to 15 years.


4. Yorkshire Terrier

A toy breed dog that is rather intelligent, don’t have too much attitude and quite easy to care for in any sense you can imagine. Yorkies have a broad personality, as a big dog was trapped inside their bodies. They’re extremely affectionate toward their owners, so you won’t feel the lack of cuddling time once you let a Yorkie into your home. Generally, they make incredible, lively dogs for first-time owners. The only thing you will have to pay extra attention to is their coat, but a good pet groomer will resolve that issue by taking charge of Yorkie’s beauty routine. Moreover, it’s hypoallergenic, which is a major benefit for a lot of people. Yorkshire Terriers weigh from 4 to 6 pounds and live 12-15 years on average.german-shepherd-3404340_1920


5. German Shepherd

If you’re a big dog lover, but hesitate if you’re going to be able to handle a large dog and make it obey your commands, a German Shepherd is your choice. These compassionate companions are known for exceptional trainability, strength, intelligence and obedience.
You’ll hardly ever meet a dog that’s more loyal that a German Shepherd. The well-known cases when lost Shepherds refuse to eat and drink because they miss their owners are heart-melting, but sad at the same time. An adult German Shepherd weighs from 50 to 88 pounds and lives 9-13 years on average.


6. Pugs

It looks like Pugs have won over the affection of dog lovers from all over the world. There’s no surprise in that, as Pugs are the most loving, faithful, cheerful dogs that love children, absolutely adore playtime, but don’t need to much exercise. If you get a Pug, he will follow you everywhere you go, turning into your mini shadow. These dogs are almost programmed to act to please their owners, so there’re rarely any problems with training.

The only concern with Pugs is the weight gain issue, but you may consult with a vet from HireRush.com to find the best food for your doggy, introduce portion control and a reasonable amount of walkies to keep your Pug healthy. Ideally, an adult Pug should weigh from14 to 18 pounds, and the average lifespan is 12-15 years. Leave your request here


7. Bichon Frise

As many veterinarians note, this breed was specifically destined to be a companion dog, that’s why it will be one of the best dogs for first-time owners, who want to bring a small, entertaining and loving dog into their homes. The training part won’t set any challenges – due to their obedience and extraordinary learning abilities, Bichons were often chosen as circus performing dogs. Adult dogs weight from 10 to 20 pounds and live for 15-20 years on average.


8. Maltese

Maltese dogs are gentle and fearless creatures, who will brighten up every house. They don’t really shed, that’s why they’re great dogs for people with allergies. They require frequent grooming, but their bubbling personality, portability and training capacities override that issue. Maltese dogs are often chosen to be therapy dogs, as they love to be with people more than anything. Maltese dogs weigh up to 7 pounds and live from 12 to 15 years.


9. Shetland Sheepdog (Collie)

Collies are awesome dogs for first-time owners, who love fluffy animals. They’re great family pets, dogs with quite reserved nature and gentle personality. You may have to find that Shetland Sheepdogs experience separation anxiety when the owners leave them for too long and that they need sufficient exercise, but the peaceful character, high learning abilities, and gracefulness will certainly make you fall in love. These Collies weigh 11-24 pounds and live for 11-13 years on average.


10. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This adorable creature will not let you feel indifferent. If you’re a fan of lap sitting and long walking action, the Cavalier is a pet for you. King Charles Spaniels are often rated as the best dogs for first-time owners as they’re generally really positive, responding and adaptable pets that learn quickly and may comfortably live in houses or condos.


11. Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dog can always be a great option for a first time dog owner. They’re known to be loyal and attentive, making them great companions. At the same time, they’re quite smart and don’t take as much time and effort as other breeds to look after. With how much affection they can give you, you’ll feel the love before you know it. They can even be great around kids.


12. Mutt – best dog for any animal lover

Mixed-breed dogs are adorable and loyal pets that love their owners to death. There’s an endless list of reasons why mutts are the best dogs for first-time owners or anyone willing to have a dog in general. But the main one is that you get to rescue a life of an innocent pet, and he gets to change your life forever.



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